Credit is a wonderful thing. Without it, we would have a really hard time doing many of the everyday things we have grown accustomed to. Even things as simple as grabbing some fast food for lunch are done on credit by most people. And the magical fantasy land that is online shopping would simply be impossible without it. Many important decisions in your life will be based around your credit, and while we strive to make good with the credit companies and keep them happy each month, it’s also important to make sure those credit companies are working for you too!
Blog Archives
How to get FREE money for shopping online
I don’t know about you but I like to shop online. A lot. Conveniences like price comparisons, reviews and not having to drive to stores far outweighs the luxury of being able to touch the item in my hands and buy it right this minute. The internet has simply made it way too easy for us to buy things and have them delivered right to our doorstep in a matter of days and often at reduced prices compared to most brick and mortar stores. And while I enjoy those discounts, I can further supplement my savings by using rebate websites. I call it “online double-dipping” and it’s just the start of the many levels of dipping that are available to online shoppers.
How to turn your inbox into a cash box
Something I love about the internet is all the new and interesting marketing opportunities that have been made available since its inception. Companies will dream up any new crazy method they can try to market the same things in different ways. I can imagine the conference room talk that occurred when the idea of MyPoints came about. It probably went something like,
“People don’t like to look at spam. How can we get people to look at spam?”
“Sir, what if we paid people to look at spam?”
“Its genius! Someone give this man a raise!”
Well, somehow that idea came to fruition, and it still exists today.