Everybody wants nice things, but buying nice things isn’t always practical or justified. Since I can’t seem to control my hobbies, I have a tendency to get into something new (and probably expensive) on a whim. This has led me to owning a lot of things I don’t often use. Knowing this about myself, I’ve developed a personal philosophy to never buy the brand name items unless I can justify why I actually need them. So I usually start with the cheapest stuff I can find and use it until it breaks, or I can identify myself what the difference is between the lower-priced items and the brand name items without someone else telling me. This has worked out pretty well for me so far and I applied these principles in a recent purchase I made.
Blog Archives
How to get the most out of your credit cards
Credit is a wonderful thing. Without it, we would have a really hard time doing many of the everyday things we have grown accustomed to. Even things as simple as grabbing some fast food for lunch are done on credit by most people. And the magical fantasy land that is online shopping would simply be impossible without it. Many important decisions in your life will be based around your credit, and while we strive to make good with the credit companies and keep them happy each month, it’s also important to make sure those credit companies are working for you too!
A great money saving tip ANYONE can do
With all the technology at our fingertips these days it holds true that you should never have to overpay for anything you buy. Just about everyone and their 10-year-old kids have a smart phone these days, so why not use them for some good. A recent trip to Target made me realize just how little this secret is used.
Buy small now, save BIG later!
Sometimes the best deals are the ones you weren’t even looking for. These are also the most difficult to justify no matter how good. The fact is, we don’t want to buy something we don’t need, but being frugal isn’t just about saving money, It’s also about being able to recognize when a good deal is worth looking at just because it’s a good deal. When a deal is good enough, there will be plenty of opportunities to turn that into actual savings at some point down the road and that’s why it’s important to invest in your future.