At some point in our lives we’ve all been victim to ATM robberies. I’m not talking about the guy who waits for you to withdraw your cash, then runs up to you in a black mask and steals it from you, no. I’m talking about the ATMs and banks who think they deserve $2-$6 for the privilege of getting your own money. There are few things I hate paying for more than ATM fees. They are unnecessary, expensive and just plain rude. And if you’re only getting $20, that’s a 10-30% transaction fee. Robbery indeed! So let me tell you about a neat little tool that can help you avoid paying those fees ever again.
Category Archives: Free stuff
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Oct 17, 2013 | Free stuff, Saving Money | No Comments
Taking advantage of special offers to get free stuff
If you tell me something is free, you will get my attention. I mean, who doesn’t love free stuff? But not everything free is worth taking. That 20 year-old dresser your mom wants to give you cause you don’t have any furniture sounds like a good idea, but what happens when you don’t want it anymore? You have to have your own kids just to get rid it. One mans junk is SOMETIMES another mans treasure, but not always. Today I talk about some free stuff that is and isn’t worth taking.
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