About me
Recently I’ve discovered that I spend a great deal of time coming up with ways to save and earn money. The notion that if you can do something in life, you can also do it frugal. But before I get too much into that, here’s a little about me:
I grew up in a middle class home with two parents and a sister. We were not well off and it was truly a special time of year if I was receiving any sort of allowance from my folks. I cherished the money I came across because I never had any, and I learned at a young age that if I wanted more, I was going to have to get it myself. Fortunately for me, through the stinginess of both my father and grandfather, I also learned the unquestionable importance of negotiation and just how big of a role it would play in my life. When I finished high school, I decided that going to college was only going to cost me and delay my entry into the world of making money. I was fortunate to have a few connections that were able to get me decent jobs early on, and I continued down that path to work as much as I could. I now have a stable, full-time job with a decent salary, a nice home, and have had the good fortune to experience nearly everything I’ve ever wanted to. Much of this stems from my willingness and desire to spend a little extra time finding ways to save and earn money.
I save money in nearly every aspect of my daily life and it happens so frequently that I thought it might be a good idea to write about all of the practical, and sometimes not so practical, ways I have saved and continue to do so. Some of my methods may not apply to your situation, but in either case I hope that it opens your eyes and enlightens you to try something different in the future.
On the other hand, I will often go out of my way for a good money-making opportunity if I see one. I can attribute my home and many other luxury items I own to the simple fact that I’m willing to take a risk if I think it will come with a reward. My track-record is nearly flawless, though my risks are generally not too great, and almost all of my methods can be reproduced with a little legwork and time. People often feel that the only way to make money is by getting a better job, and while that certainly helps, it simply isn’t true. Through this blog I hope to share many of the ways I have, and continue to earn income in addition to my regular job.
If you ever have any questions, need advice, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me. Nothing makes me happier than to see other people save money and do it frugal.